Quickly sell digital products and downloads giving your customers instant secure access.
Earn passive recurring income with secure membership portals and drip-fed training programs.
One time payments, trials, subscriptions and plans. FastMember gives you the payment options you need.
1 Add your product names and prices plus the number of protected content pages you want to create for each product
2 Choose your sales and thank you page options. Selecting the Fast Funnel option will create an instant sales funnel and chain your products in an optimised sales sequence.
3 Choose your payment method. PayPal smart buttons are built right in and there is secure on site payments integration for Stripe with support for 1 click upsells.
There are also integrations for a number of digital marketing platforms including ThriveCart, ClickFunnels, ClickBank and JVZoo.
When you hit Run The Wizard your entire membership site will be set up, with all your products and pages configured. All you need to do is add your content and you are ready to begin making sales.
Add or remove members from each product, process refunds or cancel a subscription directly from within your Fast Member WordPress dashboard.
Members also have the ability to cancel their own subscriptions from the members account area making your membership management even more hands free.
Fast Members powerful easy to use content protection is what set’s it apart from other systems you may have used before.
Using a simple list based selection system you can protect multiple pages at a time with an easy to use drip feed setting to create
Direct integration with the WordPress block editor now gives you conditions on every single WordPress block.
Blocks can shown or hidden based on a members purchases and be dripped out over a number days or even set to hide after a number days using the block drip feature.
You can even use the native WordPress Reusable blocks feature to create ready to go customisable conditional blocks which can be reused and added to any page or post baed on your members purchases.
There is a new drag and drop upload manager so you no longer have to login via FTP to access the protected downloads folder. This makes managing your onsite protected content a lot quicker.
We’ve added a ton of new blocks including customisable login and registration forms, payment buttons and dynamic product grids which update based on your members purchases.
The new Start page gives you a customisable dashboard with fresh look customisable charting. The Start page also consolidates a new streamlined Quick Start Wizard which includes quick access links to the various membership management pages.
“built by folks that understand WordPress”

FastMember was built for internet product and membership sales. A product built by folks that understand WordPress and have used it for years…
Chris Lema –
Daily Blogger & WordPress Evangelist
“nothing is faster or simpler when it comes to membership plugins”

Fastmember was our first port of call for membership software – nothing is faster or simpler when it comes to membership plugins
Drayton Bird –
Copywriter & Founder of DBA Associates
“To put it simply, FastMember just works…”

FastMember is particularly fast and easy to set up while offering all the features and benefits of competing solutions. To put it simply, FastMember just works… which is what most folks really want and need out of a membership plugin.
Brian McLeod –
LoudMac Creative Inc
Fast Member Pro
- Unlimited Sites
- PLUS: Fast Stripe
- PLUS: Fast Affiliate
Fast Member Monthly
- Unlimited Sites
- PLUS: Fast Stripe
- PLUS: Fast Affiliate
Fast Member Solo
- Single Site
- PLUS: Fast Stripe
- ===
“this beats anything that I’ve tried HANDS DOWN”
Over the past 6 months, I’m willing to bet that I’ve tried every single membership solution that you can think of – DAP, WLM, and probably 15 others that you might not have heard of. At this point, I’ve invested more than a grand in membership scripts. For me, this beats anything that I’ve tried HANDS DOWN.
Jeremy Kelsall