"built by folks that understand WordPress"

FastMember was built for internet product and membership sales. A product built by folks that understand WordPress and have used it for years…
Chris Lema -
Daily Blogger & WordPress Evangelist
"nothing is faster or simpler when it comes to membership plugins"

Fastmember was our first port of call for membership software – nothing is faster or simpler when it comes to membership plugins
Drayton Bird -
Copywriter & Founder of DBA Associates
"To put it simply, FastMember just works…"

FastMember is particularly fast and easy to set up while offering all the features and benefits of competing solutions. To put it simply, FastMember just works… which is what most folks really want and need out of a membership plugin.
Brian McLeod -
LoudMac Creative Inc

"extremely versatile and powerful"
I am a happy user of FastMember for a few years now. I find Fast Member extremely versatile and powerful. and support by Dave and Mike is outstanding.
Jose Luis Yañez

"this beats anything that I've tried HANDS DOWN"
Over the past 6 months, I'm willing to bet that I've tried every single membership solution that you can think of - DAP, WLM, and probably 15 others that you might not have heard of. At this point, I've invested more than a grand in membership scripts. For me, this beats anything that I've tried HANDS DOWN.
Jeremy Kelsall
"still a great product even years after I purchased it"
I Purchased Fast Member years ago and I can tell you that Fast Member is still a great product even years after I purchased it, I also own just about every other wordpress membership product on the market, what I can tell you is that many of the membership plugins that I have purchased are either no longer in business or they do not update the product software, Not so with Fast Member they have grown into a nice product and its getting better all the time, one thing about it, you will not go wrong in making a purchase, that is something I rarely am able to say.
Thomas Bodetti
"Great features, rapid updates, and responsive support"
..thank you, thank you, thank you... What an awesome plugin. Just what the market has needed for a very long time.Great features, rapid updates, and responsive support at an incredible price, can't ask for much more.
I've tried a ton of different membership / sales process scripts and plugins and nothing even comes close...
Derek Krein