Fast CountDown creates quick and simple countdown timers which are ready to use for your offers.
Here is how Fast CountDown works in 5 simple steps
- Click the timer icon in the WordPress classic post editor
- Choose the CountDown type (For each visitor or to a fixed date)
- Add the duration of the timer or enter a final date
- Enter an optional redirect when the timer finishes
- Select the display style – there 3 simple styles to choose
You are now ready to insert the timer shortcode into your page.
Once added you can style the text just like you would with any other WordPress based content.
When a visitor lands on your page the timer will begin counting down.
If they return later they will see the timer continue until it reaches zero, at which point the visitor can be redirected to another page (or even a different website)
If they try visit the page after the deadline they will be redirected each time, making sure any countdown deadline is enforced.
You can view the full tutorial for Fast CountDown here